With less than 2 weeks to go...

Jill and I are super excited that the final stages of leaving on our trip are here! Last week Jill checked us in via the internet. 

These 4 suitcases are due to be picked up by Luggage Forward between noon and 3 p.m. tomorrow. We were careful not to pack any batteries, products containing alcohol, medications (even vitamins), electronics, pressurized containers, etc. which are strictly forbidden. Mostly clothing in these. The next time we see them will be on the ship. 

One week from this Saturday we get a ride to SeaTac from a dear friend, along with two more suitcases and three carry-ons. 

Just tonight, we met with our awesome house-sitter and went over some the quirks of our nearly-80-year-old house. One of our biggest challenges will be to say goodbye to our desktop computer. We'll have cell phones, laptop, and an I-Pad, but we're newbies on those last two. Also concerned that our last day at home will be Friday the 13th - did not realize that until tonight!

We have a "pack last" list, and a "do right before we leave" list so we don't have to think too much as time starts ticking away faster and faster.

Best regards, 



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