Dubai, UAE

 Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Dubai, UAE

We didn’t arrive in Dubai until about 2 pm. We needed to go ashore fairly soon after for a rare face-to-face passport check in the customs building. There were long lines as there are around 1,000 people (including the 400+ staff) aboard. We got our passports stamped, then got back on board. We had an event starting at 4 pm so didn’t have time to do much before that. I was still fighting a bronchial infection.

Dubai skyline

At 4 pm, we headed back to shore. There was a chaotic process of getting 400+ people into white 4x4s to go out into the desert. We were in a car with a driver and another couple. About 110 of the cars took off in Dubai traffic headed to the Al Maha Desert Conservation Reserve. We drove on regular roads until suddenly we were all taking a right into the desert after a small sign in Arabic. So far the road was still paved but then we were in the sand.  

Desert with Dubai in the background

We saw a large herd of white gazelles racing through the desert, suddenly crossing the road. Everyone slowed down to let them pass. Soon the cars had to stop to let some air out of the tires so the vehicles could handle the upcoming sand road. We were in a very comfortable Land Rover with an excellent driver along with one other couple. 

All 110 vehicles arrived at a dune where we would watch the sunset. There were large pillows for us to sit on, champagne, and cups of dried fruit and nuts. There was also a falcon handler who put on a show with his gorgeous falcon. 

Our sunset watch set-up

Sun setting over the desert

The falcon handler and his bird

Once the show was over and the sun had set, the cars starting coming back to pick us up. This is where it got interesting and I was grateful for Charlie. He had had the presence of mind to ask the driver how we could identify the car (among 109 other white vehicles). We were car 22 as indicated by a small sign in the back window.

Unfortunately not everyone had the foresight to find out their car numbers, so pandemonium ensued when 400 tipsy people attempted to leave. To add to the chaos, a couple of cars got stuck in the sand. We were able to located our car early on. Someone who had lost his car tried to hitch a ride, but our driver was ready to beat the rush and we were out of there.

By now it was dark. Our next stop was a venue in the desert set up with dramatic lighting, low tables, cushions, entertainment and very good food. And more alcohol. We were greeted by corridor of Bedouins with swords, then young men with trays of champagne. The tables were way too close together—I don’t think they were used to 400+ people. It was very festive but somewhat treacherous navigating the pillows. There were some accidents. We mostly stuck with fruit juice but Charlie had 1/2 glass of champaign, a decision which he regretted later (he’s a cheap date).

Our sword greeters
The champagne bearers
Example of the tables, buffet dinner in the background.

There was a stage set up and our first entertainers were dancing men twirling rifles! Next were “oud” (like a guitar) and tabla players. Very strange and atmospheric music.

Bedouin male dancers in colorful, twirling (lit up!) skirts were next on the stage. Last but not least, a couple of gorgeous belly dancers.

Bedouin dancer took of the skirt and twirled it high overhead

Last but not least the belly dancers.

Then dinner. The food was excellent. After dinner, I got a henna hand painting. 

After all this we were ready to go, as were the other couple in our car. Our car pulled up, and we started piling in. There was one drunk gentleman in our car who would not get out. He insisted the cars were all screwed up and he was riding in our car. He was sitting in the other lady’s seat. Her husband told him he had 5 seconds to get out of the car. He did.

Our car took off back to the ship; our driver apparently anxious to get home himself. He was driving very fast. It was a very festive event. We were glad we went, and glad to leave.

April 26,2023, Dubai, UAE

We’ve been to Dubai before and have seen many of the sights, so we had a tour planned to Sharjah for this day. I was excited about it. However, the previous night I was as sick as I’ve ever been. I had trouble breathing in the middle of the night, remembered I had an inhaler, got it out and managed to put the panic at bay. 

I showed up at the ship’s infirmary at 8 am, as soon as they opened on this day. I had a coughing fit in the office that alarmed the doctor enough he did an x-ray of my lungs and gave me 2 nebulizer treatments. My lungs were OK but I needed an antibiotic for the infection. He also gave me some cough syrup and a new (unexpired) inhaler. He suggested I not take the all-day Sharjah tour. I was very disappointed but realize I was too sick to endure another long day.

Instead, we took the shuttle from the ship to the biggest mall in the world. Here are some photos taken from the bus on the way:

It was impressive, with an ice skating rink, 3-story waterfalls, an aquarium with a huge multi-story tank you could see from inside the mall. We bought postcards and mailed them. We spent a couple hours gawking, had lunch at a place that said “We want to change the way you eat”, then headed back. Not as exciting as seeing Sharjah, but better than just stayin’ on the same ole’ ship 🚢. We also hear they have an impressive water show. If you ever see it, please tell us what it’s like.

This waterfall was 3 stories high

Place with the water show we didn’t see due to bad info at the info center.🙁

A couple we know went to the top of the tall building in the background—$250 per person!

The aquarium from inside the mall. Hard to get a good photo but here’s the scale

Ice rink at the mall in Dubai


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