Alaska: Sitka

 Wednesday, July 5, 2023, Sitka, Alaska

The ship arrived at 11:30 am. We tendered in to a large dock and walked into town. The weather was good. 

Arrival to Sitka

We walked through town to the Sitka National Historical Park, with its fabulous totem poles. The last time we were here it was raining so hard we didn’t make it that far. There was a building with many preserved totems, and many more outside along a path through the woods. Spectacular! We could see our ship anchored in the harbor at points. We also saw an eagle protecting its salmon catch from an interested crow. There is also an area that contained a Tlingit fort built to fight the Russians.

This beautiful totem was at the entrance

Eagle protecting his catch

We visited the wonderful Sheldon Jackson Museum, small but containing every artifact you can imagine from native Alaskan culture. The museum is relatively small by the collection is beautifully displayed, with drawers containing smaller items. Our second visit and it is not to be missed.

Display in Sheldon Jackson Museum

Next was the Russian Bishop’s House, one of only 4 Russian period buildings left in North America. One of the Russian Orthodox Church’s efforts to spread it’s influence among Alaskan natives. It was once the Russian mission orphanage, open in 1843. We took a tour of the building. It was well maintained and contained many interesting artifacts from that period.

Russian Bishop’s House museum

We walked to the Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of town, the Sitka Tribe of Alaska Community House, and had lunch in a Chinese restaurant. Kind of a hole in a wall place, but very good food.

We wandered around a bit more, walked to the tender platform and returned to the ship 


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